Take It On The Chin

Wow, now there’s an old expression some may not understand.  The Cambridge Dictionary defines take it on the chin as: “To accept unpleasant events bravely and without complaining.”  I applaud people that can face difficulty without complaining.

 I found this explanation of where the phrase came from. The idiom “take it on the chin” comes from boxing, where the chin is the target of a knockout punch. It’s used to describe something that’s happening seriously and is damaging to one’s ego or position in business or social standings. 

How many times in life do we take it on the chin? By what other’s do? Some I’m sure, but I would say a lot of the time it’s because of our own dumb mistakes.   Did you know God disciplines us?  Not necessarily in the manner he did in the old testament because Jesus took the punishment for our sin on the cross. I guess it would depend on whether we reject him and do wicked things. God is God, who am I to say!  From scripture I believe that God’s discipline is to train and transform us into the people He knows we can be, the best version of ourselves made in His image.

Two things I know, not from reading it anywhere, but from experience.  In order for God to keep me going in the right direction, He has in all my years from childhood on: 1.  Let me face some pretty good consequences without interfering.  2. He put people in place so I would get caught and not be able to go any further down a wrong path. Believe me, you take it on the chin when you either face consequences or embarrassment.  What can I say, I’ve been a spunky spit fire of a person at times.  Hey maybe 6 brothers helped, just saying! No complaints here!

Job 5:17 NIV Blessed is the one who God corrects; so, do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

Proverbs 15:32 NIV Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding.

There are a lot of people that do not like to be disciplined or even have any self-discipline. I fear they live without regard for their future and they seem to not care what God or others think.  We who love the Lord, care.  We care about who we are to ourselves, to others and to God.  Not that we will not make mistakes and face discipline, but we should own up to it bravely and be grateful and not complain.  That’s easier said than done, complaining is so easy to do and I don’t know hardly anyone who has not complained at one time or another, but there are some professionals out there! LOL 

How can we face discipline and not despise it?  I think choose to embrace our consequences, pray through them, make amends where need be, and be grateful for the experience that is transforming us into a better person. The key for all of us is to keep moving forward in a positive manner and take what comes on the chin, then get up dust ourselves off and make the decision to learn something from the experience. Another good thing to do is to reject Satan’s shame that’s going to come, you can count on it.  If you have asked for forgiveness and made amends then don’t fall into the shame trap.  Call on the Lord and be free. Romans 10:11 NIV As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”

Just know correction is for our good.

Psalm 119: 67 NIV I used to wander off until you disciplined me; but now I closely follow your word. 

Psalm 119:71-72 My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees.  Your instructions are more valuable to me than millions in gold and silver.

Well now we know the most valuable thing in the world, The Bible, God’s instruction. I may have said it before. B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth!  Now go get rich on His word my friend!


Lord, we thank you for allowing us to face discipline.  Help us be grateful that you love us that much and that you are training us to be better people.  We know you do not like grumbling and complaining Lord, help us break these bad habits.  May we be people of character instead of circumstance.  May we let who lives in us be greater than what we live around.  Remind us Lord, whose we are, and make us brave.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

God Bless









1 Comments on “Take It On The Chin”

  1. Great observation Sally! No one likes discipline but when we learn from it, we aren’t apt to make the mistake again!

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