Baggage, that emotional stuff that weighs us down. Somewhere along the line, something happened causing us pain, anger or maybe even shame. Those left-over negative emotions seem to attach themselves for the long haul.
I use to watch the show, The Biggest Looser. At the end of the show with only a few people left, they would take them out to walk a path that went up a hill. Then they would have them put on backpacks with the amount of weight they had lost during the show. I found it interesting that they had a very hard time walking the trail with all that weight because: 1. They were more physically fit now. 2. They had that amount of weight on their body for years and got use to carrying it. Interesting.
It’s a great analogy for the emotional baggage we carry around. Baggage that is capable of snatching good days and years from our lives. Often, we lug it around for a long time and wonder why we feel so bad. If we could only let it go, our future could be lighter and brighter.
For me, it’s about changing the focus and asking the Lord to walk me out of the pain and disappointment I am feeling. I must focus on the Lord and not myself, keeping it real, not always easy. I’ll admit, over the death of Mark, my great loss draws me back into a place where I still, on occasion, return to carrying that heavy emotional backpack. Yes, grief is real, but after a few years when I was far away from the shock of it; when the pain of loss was less, it can become a weight holding me back from life. I know God nor my family and friends want that. My life is not over, nor do I want it to be. I have to stop and recognize that this is again becoming a burden. I know then that I have to give it to Jesus once more. I must make the choice to change my focus and pray, that is the key. Now please consider this profound verse of scripture, it’s all about- FOCUS.
Ecclesiastes 5:20 NIV They seldom reflect on the days of their life, because God keeps them occupied with gladness of heart.
I know some things take as long as they take to get over, but a least giving it up to the Lord even if it takes doing it over and over for a time is still better than letting it control your life. There is reprieve and gladness of heart to be found there. Then one day you will find you are free from that heavy load for good. No one not even Jesus said this life would be easy, but with Him it can be easier and more fulfilling. Actually, some days can be wonderful.
Psalm 68:19 NIV Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior who daily bears our burdens.
Today stop, refocus and say to yourself, “Why am I letting this bother me today?” “Lord take this (whatever this is) off my back, I’m laying it at your feet. Today, I choose to be free and happy.
Lord, life is short, help me live it to the fullest, free from any emotional baggage that would seek to destroy me and the kind of life I want to live. Help me recognize the extra weight soon as I take it on and lay it at your feet. Lord, I know there are oppressive spirits that want to destroy my peace so I ask you to bind up any spirit but the Holy Spirit that comes to me. Please open doors of positive experiences and adventures where I can joyfully shine for you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
God Bless
A music gift for you, Alan Jackson, What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Sally, you are so right! We have to lay it at Jesus ‘s feet. But sometimes carrying that burden is so ingrained in us. This is a good reminder! Thank you!